Thursday 24 September 2015

   First lesson in the studio! 

During our first class in the studio we have learnt how to set the tripod and how to work with different types of cameras.

       We worked with Sony NX5

Sony FS100 

                     and Canon 5D    


                                     Each of these cameras had slightly different options.   

Sony NX5 is the most professional one. But together with Sony FS100 they are on very high level. When it comes to Canon 5D it is really small and light compering to other two Sony’s. 
Sony NX5 and FS100 have zoom option, and focus, however if we want to sharpen our shot, first we need to zoom in and then adjust manually a perfect focus and then zoom out.
Canon 5D has interchangeable lens which means that it is zoomless. It also means that if we want to focus our shot we need to measure the distance between lens and object that we want to shoot. 
We also learnt how to put batteries into each camera. 

At the end of the lesson we studied white balance which means making colours (mainly white) in our shot as much reflecting the real colours as possible. To change these colours we used white balance board. 
During last minutes of the lesson we trained our newly acquired skills!

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