Thursday 26 November 2015

Working in groups 
At the end of last week w have been devided into groups of 4. In these groups we are going to shoot our thriller opening sequences. I am working with Hugo, Tommaso and Kirill.
We started discussing or ideas - if to combine them in some way, to pick one or to come up with completly new idea together. It was hard to connect our ideas and we couldn't decide who's idea we like the most as a group so we decided to start from the beginning. We started our brain storm from location because during the weekend together with Tommaso we found an amazing church in London, where the interial looked like a militarian ship. It would suit really good for the thriller - there were different rooms with ropes, knifes, hooks and there was also a chapel.

From the beginning our main theme was a religious/gothic opening sequence. Apparently we are not allowed to shoot away from school or Guildford so we abandoned the idea of church in London.
While working on our idea we agreed on everything, we only argued about little details. The whole process of creating our concept went fast.

Our opening sequence is going to be about priest and his morning routine. Firstly we want to show how he is well known and liked among local people by having conversations with shop keeper and a pedestrian. Then when he is walking to the church we can see him as someone is observing him, but the audience doesn't really know who. He is entering the church and makes the sign of the cross. Next he is walking to the small room to put products that he bought in the fridge and then we speculated to show a head of a dead person in that fridge. At the end the priest would give the audience a visual tour arounf that room showing typical equipment used while commiting a crime.

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