Thursday 14 January 2016

Preparation for evaluation questions 

1.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I've searched the list of film distributors by United Kingdom to see the whole variety of companies. I picked the most popular ones to read about. 

1. 20th Century Fox 

20th Century Fox is one of the major American film distribution companies. It is based in Los Angeles. What is interesting that the 20th Century Fox also owned Fox Music, which is a record label. It featured songs from Fox movies. The records could only be bought in the Fox Theatres. Additionaly there was Fox Radio a bit later, where the newest soundtracks were played. 
The 20th Century Fox I think is also known well for it's logo and fanfare. By the 1970s the Fox fanfare was being used in films sporadically (it can be heard in the movie 'Star Wars').

When I went through the filmography I have realized that it is the most common film studio, whenever I watch movies. 
It has distributed films like - 'Mrs. Doubtfire', 'Ice Age', 'Avatar', 'Star Wars' and 'Titanic'.
Generally you can divide them into categories - films for families, sci-fi/fantasy and action. 
Our movie would be more like a thriller (obviously) and action. I think it would not fit into the type of the movies that 20th Century Fox distributes. 

2. Columbia Pictures

It is an American film production and distribution studio. It is a part of the group called 'Big Six', where all the best six film studios are counted (together with 20th Century Fox). The studio was founded in 1924 and its headquarters is in California. It got fameous because of the brilliant actors that were the constans part of the studio. 
It is distributing mostly comedies like 'Bad Teacher', 'How do you know', 'Annie', 'This is the end', but also it distributed 'The girl with the dragoon tattoo', which is a psychological thriller, which I think is a fantastic movie and it really holds in uncertainty. This type of movie would be similat to ours - fast pace, mystery and frightening from time to time. 

3. Paramount Pictures 

It was founded in 1912 - it is the fifth oldest surviving film studio in the world, and America's oldest running distribution company. 
Looking at its filmography it distributed movies like 'Iron Man', 'Transformers', 'World War Z' and ' 'Mission Impossible', which are pure action + fiction films. That deffinately would not fit our movie theme. 

I think the best option would be Columbia Pictures, because it is distributing different kinds of movies. There is a bit of action but also thriller and dark comedies. 

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