Thursday 1 December 2016

First drafts of our music campaign - album cover and website 

This week we concentrated on the research into various music campaigns to get an inspiration for how we would like our music campaign look like. 


We start we the digipack. At the beginning we were brainstorming different ideas without using the internet. We all found it really hard to come with a good theme idea for our digipack. We needed to think of something that is not connected to our music video since the design of the album is going to reference to couple of songs. During first class we thought of few ideas like the design similar to a tarot card, which was partially the inspiration for the music video. The second idea was imitating the CCTV monitor screen - we wanted the cover divided into four and in each of the squares we would have four general themes that are represented in songs. For instance love - couple kissing, life - baby being born etc. The third idea, which was the one we developed later on was concerning dissolving objects and faces. 

By using dissolved portraits we wanted to imply some kind of distortion and confusion. We started developing this idea into different ways. Together with Angelina we were thinking of different types of dissolve that we could use we also tried combining the CCTV idea together with dissolving technique. We came up with two ideas for the cover - one is of a woman face being half dissolved so we can clearly see her eyes but the bottom part of her face is hard to recognize. The other idea we had was to use similar technique to present the name of the artist and name of the album. We thought of the text being presented using neon lights and simple font, however the bottom colorful edges would be dissolved. 

When it comes to the inside part of the album we were thinking of some kind of abstract, black and white pattern to make it a bit more interesting and put something different than an image. We found some inspirations when it comes to the pattern in the internet:

By using all these themes we would like to imply to our audience that the artist is organic and is using simple designs so it does not outweigh the artist's music.


Before we started thinking about the general design for our website we wrote any ideas that came into our mind, which we though would go along with the digipack. Subsequently we started connecting the together and drawing first pages. We wanted to have our man page to have the name of the artist written in continuos line, which would be 'made' from the headphones wire. The 'menu' would be around the wire. The background would be black or white since we want to have colorful pastel light filter coming from the bottom corner so it lits the titles. Additionally, under the titles we would like to have embeded video from a recent concert or event. 
Then we started thinking about the sub-sites. We wanted to have a link between digipack and website therefore we thought that in one of the sub-sites we can use pattern as a background and the information would be on the bright square on top of the pattern. 

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