Monday 6 June 2016

My music 

Music plays really important role in my life - i think there is no day where i am not listening to music. It helps me to relax, it makes me think positive, to escape to different world, it makes me want to dance but sometimes it helps me to express my feelings and let out emotions. 

I listen to different kind of music - it depends on my mood, and what do I want to get out of it. Currently I am listening to Indie, Rap, Pop and sometimes classical music! 
I do not have a favourite artists, they are changing all the time as well as trends change because this is how I explore new music - by talking to my friends, searching on YouTube, most of the times I find new music by accident! I am also getting to know different artists from music awards. 

I do not imagine living without music. So many memories - good and bad are alawys connected to different songs. I like that there is such a variety of music - everyone can express them selves by the music that they create or listen to. It is some sort of communication and connection between people, which is one of the most important things in our lives! 

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