Monday 17 October 2016


Here is our animatic, which is a video of our storyboard put together with music, to get the general idea what we are going for when it comes to our music video. 

1. What is an animatic storyboard?
An animatic is a filmed version of the storyboard. The shots are timed to what the actual are supposed to look like. Its gives a general idea what is our concept, it helps to visualise the concept since the track is playing in the background and the shots are played in a right order.

2. How useful has this been to your music video concept?
Personally I think it helped us to see what kind of shots fit in the rythm of the music, but also it helps to imagine the whole flow of the music video.

3. What have you identified worked for your music video and why?
I think the movement and a lot of quick shots are working well with the pace fo the song but we still need to add more shots to make it more dynamic.

4. Do you have enough shots? if not what do you need to consider?
I think we do not have enough shots, but we have discussed that we should have more movement shots of the main mad character to create a rapid jump cuts between the scenes.

5. What needs to change or develop to your music video idea and why?
We need to develop the narrative between the main male character and the therapist.

6. What are you going to do?
Together with my group we are going to add more action in the video

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