Wednesday 12 October 2016

Meeting with Luke and set designer 

Yesterday we had a meeting with Luke and a set designer. I found that meting particularly helpful.We came up with new concepts and some of the ideas we decided to reject. 
We decided to twist the idea a bit and came up with the concept of a dentist chair in a interrogation room - we thought that the table and two chairs is too boring and it is not original, since it is a mental hospital we should have something crazy in the rooms - break the stereotypes. 
The mad man would be tied to the chair, while being in the room with the woman therapist. However it would be our back up plan when the idea with the hanging man will not work out. 

The other idea that we had was to switch the CCTV room to a mysterious/crazy location. We came up with the idea of a cave with few monitors in it or to create like a secret office in the middle of the forest that would be hidden under leaves and branches.

Another suggestion was to just shot the whole video in a padded room and have different elements cut between, which I thought is a good idea because it would give us more editting opportunities and we can experiment with various techniques like colours, lights etc. Right now the decision belongs to all of us - we need to think if we prefer to have only one set with various elements or three completely different sets. 

We were also thinking about variety of shots of the mad man and we came with the idea of eyes painted on the lids. 

As a last idea that we had yesterday was concerning the appearance of the DJ. We thought that it would be nice to add one more aspect to the video to increase the pace and variety. From the beginning we wanted him to be in a padded room with his colorful deck and adding some colorful lights with it. 

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