Thursday 19 January 2017

Evaluation Question 1 part 2 

In what ways  does my music video use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real websites?

1 comment:

  1. Gabi

    This is excellent evaluation and comparisonof the music video in terms of its style and form. You make strong links to what these convention are and how you used them. It would be good to use ideas from Negus (see worksheet in folder) and make links to actual music video through the use of hyperlinks. Making explicit these conventions will highlight your understanding of these.

    I very much like the way in which you have laid out your understanding of media codes and conventions of the artist website homepage. You could have added more explanation of the function of the website and you could have made further comparisons to other real media products. The Prezi is excellent.

    Good work - do revise in the light of my comments & add both discussion of the CD digipak & evaluate the question set. What conventions did you use, develop and challenge.
