Tuesday 17 January 2017

Evaluation Task 1 - Introduction to media conventions

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

What are media conventions?

Media conventions are set of concept and ideas that would be expected to see in a certain genre. Conventions are the norm, which are typical and expected to see in a specific genre so the audience/consumers can understand a certain media product. 

When it comes to my music video there is a group of music video conventions as well as conventions of the genre that we use that we need to full fill to 'sell' our product. 
Together with my group while filming and editing we needed to remember about the music video conventions that are required for our audience to understand it. We needed to include a wide range of camera shots so we could have a variety of material to choose from and while editing it was possible for us to include jump cuts to the beat of the music, which are the next music video conventions. 

There is always a particular group of mise - en - scene features like props, costume and make - up that fits a given genre of music video. Therefore we needed to make sure that we complete the costume, make - up and props conventions in our media product. 

Also there are expected features of a special lighting techniques and sound that audiences will hope to see in the clip. 

I will analyse my music video and draw conclusions if we support or challenge the music video conventions! 

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