Wednesday 14 October 2015


1. Missing person 
I was thinking about showing a typical morning of a teenage girl, everything is on daily basis but when she is trying to wake her mom up to drive her to school she won't wake up even if the girl is shaking her body. The girl is in such a hurry that she decides to walk on her own. She is getting out of the house and she is passing trees every few meters but the thing that she doesn't notice is 'missing person' posters on every tree with a picture of her.

2. Imaginary friend
In this sequence i was thinking to show a person talking to another person throughout the whole sequence, but the audience sees only one person talking, asking questions, asking about their opinion about his/hers look. At the end of the sequence camera is showing the rest of the room and that there is nobody there. 

3. Mirror 
I thought of setting this sequence in a car -  lady is driving really nervously in a bad weather. She acts really stressed, she keeps looking in the rear view mirror - nothing's there. When she looks away on a street the audience sees the reflection of a men sitting on a back seat. Suddenly she stops a car, she opens the door and we can see the man reflection one more time in a window of the door and the lady is getting out of the car.

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