Sunday 11 October 2015

Studio lesson - preliminary task 

In this week studio lesson we shot some short sequences of opening scene, from a story board that we were given earlier. 
We worked on a small set - it was a room with a fireplace. There were two actors (Tommaso and Hugo) I was a director and a camera operator (Kirill), who was using Canon 5D. Actors were supposed to learn few lines by heart and then we were ready to start shooting.  The first take witch was a long shot to set the scene, show both characters and their reactions. At the beginning i had to control all lines and continuity, so that later it is easy to blend different shots together. As the second and third take we did over the shoulder shots from both sides. After that we shot the whole sequence through the door so that the viewer can see Tommaso from the back and Hugo from the front. Then we did an eye level shot of both characters to make the observer feel the tension between these two. As our last take we added our own idea, when Tommaso is pulling Hugo along the floor. Which we found would be a funny element in that story. 
During this task we had lots of fun, it appeared not to be that easy as it seemed. We needed to repeated each take couple of times. It was crucial to film the whole scene from different angles so then we have a lot of footage to play with during editing. 
I've learnt how important is communication on a set. There were some mistakes during the shot that i didn't notice but actors did -  and we needed to do another take. Secondly it important to check footage before moving the camera, because later it is very hard to set the scene this same way as it was. During filming everybody needs to be aware of little natural things like shadows, cables and frames to make our shot clear.

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