Saturday 10 October 2015

Thriller is a one of the main genres in the movie industry. It is using suspense, mysterious music and tension to make the viewer anxious and increasingly terrified. 
There are different types of thrillers - psychological, crime, romantic, spy, action etc... 

This type of thriller emphasizes the mental health and emotional state of characters.
 In this sub-genre a lot of the conflict is mental, rather than physical. The protagonist has become involved in a dangerous situation which literally threatens their sanity.

This sub-genre focuses on crime, and is usually from the criminal’s point of view. Physical action and avoiding the police take the place of gathering evidence and trying to discover the criminal.

It is a combination of thriller and romance. The plot line follows a typical thriller’s tension, suspense, and excitement, but a main element is concentrating on a relationship between two characters.

This sub-genre focuses on the adventures of field agents. They mostly face criminals or any kinds of crooks. 

This sub-genre contains a lot of violence, fights and explosions.

In this sub-genre the disaster takes place and the antagonist is trying to prevent this disaster or the extent of the disaster, or just save themselves before time runs out.

This sub-genre uses the history and myths of religion. Usually a religious artifact or historical secret is discovered, and different people and groups compete for control.

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