Tuesday 1 March 2016

Post Production - Editing

Last week together with my group we started editing our footage that we shoot at the end of January. Editing is a part of post production, where our clips from production process are put together and subsequently cut and connected so the result is a right action order and smooth continuity. At the end we can add different transitions, sound and effects.  To edit our footage we used Adobie Premiere Pro.
At the beginning we watched all of our clips to have an idea what we have and how should we divide our editing process. Our sequence consists of three scenes and two locations. So we decided to put clips from one location in a group and from the other one together in general order. Later on we started concetrating on cuting it and connecting in a one scene. I was focused on continuity and aspects like shadows, sound, props, what was in a frame which was more useful in further editing. Also I did a bit of cutting and deciding about the order of clips. Since there are four people in our group we were always discussing the order of shots together. Sometimes each of us had different opinion which was ineresting, becuase then we were thinking about the further parts of sequence.
During our editing sessions we tried different variations of ordering our clip. We had main idea in our heads how we want it to look like but we end up having more detail shots that we expected so we thought that it would be good to play with it a little bit and see what happens. Sometimes we decided to delete most of our footage and place there close-ups and more detail. The results weren't always satisfing but it was a good experiment.
I have noticed a few issues that we did not see during the shoot day. While we were editing our first scene - when Adam was leaving Ezra from one room heading to the main basement. By the time he passed the camera you could tell that he stoped walking because of his shadow on the door, when he was supposed to keep on walking to the second room. It was our first problem. We had two takes of this shot - on one clip it was more visible than the other one so we decided to use the better one and to leave it till the end so maybe we will be able to crop it a bit more so the viewer can not see the shadow all the way through. The second thing that we found disturbing was when there was shot reverse shot on Adam and Ezra talking. We wanted to use both close - ups of their faces but the zooming on Adam was to close and becuase of that his head was cut a bit from the top. In this case we did not have another shot that we could replace the bad one for. Additionaly in many clips there was a sound of people walking upstairs, which was really interrupting. Matt and Katie told us that it is fine because we can easily correct it later on while editing sound. When we were working on the second scene. I considered exposure the main issue. Since it was a dark location it was hard for us to set good lighting. When we shot close - ups of Katie's face the lighting was incredible, one side of her face was delicately lightened up due to which the detail of her make - up was really visible and in my opinion it added a mysterious atmosphere to the scene. The problem was, when we were shooting Adam's face the lighting was a lot darker, which gave the feeling of a different exposure. These were the main issues in our editing.
While editing I used few tools like selection tool, which allowed me to select clips and drag in different places on the timeline. Also the most useful tool was razor, which cut a clip into two, due to that tool I could cut parts of different clips that were not useful. Additionaly tools like hand or zoom tool were important when it comes to dragging timeline view left or right, by clicking on the blue rectangular area or when we want to magnify the view of timeline by clicking command plus (+) to zoom in or command minuse (-) to zoom out. 
After working on our thriller opening sequence, I learnt that I should not edit (cut, move, delete) clip by clip but everything generally step by step, becuase if you do so by little steps it is easier to go back or change something, you never know what idea will come to your head while editing. It is also good to experiment to cross the boundries that you set to yourselve before editting. It is good to use as much variety of the footage that you have to keep the clip interesting and surprising. I learnt to be focused and patient during the work. It is really easy to miss out the continuity or objects that are unwanted in the shot. Also while working on our footage I have noticed that it is better to shot everything twice just in case something will be wrong with the previous take. 
I posted some pictures below of our time line and bits from our editing process. 

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