Thursday 3 March 2016

Behind the scenes and Shoot day

On 26th January we did our shoot. We all met in the media rooms besides Tommaso, who was preparing basement for us. We took all the equipment - cameras, microphone and lighting. Then we were waiting for Sasha, who did Katie's make - up. We asked her for a bruised forehead and chick also a cut above her eyebrow. While Katie was getting her beaten up make-up I got a black skirt and a picture of me as a kid, which was our prop. That girl in a picture was supposed to be Katie family member. I brought skirt in case clothes that Katie brought did not fit our idea about her costume. We were constantly in touch with Tommaso, who told us that it would be good for us to bring the lighting equipment becuase, the natural light in the basement was really bad. We forgot to bring a gun from theater equipment so we needed to came up with an idea how we can replace it. Fortunately, since we were in a basement there were a lot of useful tools. We found pincers, which we used as our tool for torture.
Afterwards we went to Ewhurst basement. W had a quick look around and decided to start with a scene with Ezra and Adam talking in a separete room. It was a tricky scene to shoot since the room was really small - only Adam and Ezra could fit in there and Hugo, who was kneeling with a microphone so he would not be seen in the shot. In this scene Kirill was camera operator I was his assistant and Tommaso was director. We started with establishing shot from outside of the room in the corridor and then we went inside to do close-ups on our actors to use it later on in shot reverse shot. Also we did an extreme close-up on hands to show the nail detail.  Then we moved into a bigger room with Katie and Adam. It took us quite some time to set up the props and the light so it can illuminate Katie's face, eventually we put it outside the window and put a gel on it so the light would be rather smooth. I helped Katie to get ready - ripped her tights and styled her hair so her bruises could be visible. Then together with Hugo we tied Katie up to the chair with belts.

Hugo still was holding the microphone, Tomasso was the director and I switched with Kirill, he helped me with operating the camera. I did close - ups on Katie's and Adam's face and a wide shot. My job was to control the camera, the frame, zoom in close - ups, focus n the main object so the shot was clear, change the exposure, follow the actors. Everytime when I started recording I needed to remember to say 'Rolling'.
I think this job was quite easy when it comes to steady shots since the camera was on a tripod. The main thing was to set the camera in a right place, bubble it and at the end press record. I found 'following' shots more difficult. I felt more pressure on me and I was stressed that I might ruin the shot. But looking back I think the key thing was just to get use to the camera and how it works while moving. It was just a matter of practise here. Few times it went okay but couple of takes I did not manage to follow Adam, so he could be in the shot and so the camera was smoothly moved. Later on I changed roles with Hugo, I wanted to try microphone and he wanted to operate the camera for last shots. My job was to sit on the floor so I did not get into the shot and direct my microphone into our actors. I was really careful with every move I made because it could be recorded really accuratelly.
At the end we recorded 'Atmosphere', which is a general sound in the room so that later on we could put in as a background sound while editing.
I enjoyed the whole process of shooting. I must admit that I was quite surprised how long we were preparing for this day and it went by so quickly! I prefered shooting in a bigger room with Katie and Adam, because then I had a chance to observe everythig and I was more engaged in this scene than in one with Ezra and Adam.
I think when it comes to shooting a movie it is never enough of preparation... Even if you think that everything is set up and thought through, small things can always come up wrong. I am happy that I could try a bit of every job.I founf camera operator a bit stressful, since you are responsible for the quality of the shots. Taking care of sound was rather tiring, because it was hard to keep still all the time, trying not to move so it wouldn't disrupt the dialogs. I have also learned how everything needs to be organised and dinamic on set. I think concentration is the key feature of the film set!

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