Thursday 10 March 2016

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our thriller starts with a scene where young girl (Katie) is being interrogated by a guy (Adam) that seems to be older than her. She is beaten up, looks like she 
He is asking her questions like „Why aren’t you talking to me?’, which suggest that she is refusing to asnwer. Later on from his monologue we can assume that it is not about her. The whole interrogation is to get to another man that she is potentialy protecting. In the next scene we have two male actors Adam and Ezra talking about how to make the girl talk. The second actor  is older than Adam. He is in charge of that interrogaion since he is telling Adam what to do. After the conversation Adam goes back to the interrogation room and the girl is gone. 

Katie is the only female character in our clip. She is curled up and she is breathing really heavily. Looking at her beaten up face we can assume that she is exhausted becuase of the interragation and she does not have any energy to protect herself, which is a stereotype of a weak woman that can not resist. However she does not look as she is scared of Adam screaming and threatning her. Which suggested that she is mentaly strong which is a positive feature of woman. Additionaly she doesn not break - she keeps the information for herself, trying to protect the person that she is potentialy in love with. This shows us how brave and protectful she is, which is a good representation of females. Furthermore Katie is a countertype of females, since she is untiring she does not give up even if the situation seems to be hopeless and at the end when she manages to run away.

Camera captures her mostly being  lower than Adam, which shows that he has more power over her, which is a stereotypical representation of men’s power over woman. 
Adam is always looking down at Katie, which shows that he has more authority than her. He is walking around the chair, which in comparison to Katie - shows that he has more freedom - he can do whatever he wants to her, which is a typical representation of a strong man. We can assume that Adam is the one that beaten up Katie, which is a negative representation of a violent men. The diagetic sound of Adam screaming makes the viewer feel more respect for him, it shows that he is confident about his actions and he knows what he is doing. The next scene is emphesizing the authority of men even more, when Adam is talking to Ezra, who is a boss throughout the whole clip. He tells Adam want to do with a really calm voice, which suggests that he knows what he is doing, he seems to be a professional which is a positive representation of males. They are also shown as being agressive and violent. The moment when Adam enters the main room and he sees that Katie is gone he gets across really quickly. He could not control himself, he needed to throw the chair across the room. This shows how men express their anger by agression, which is a negative representation.

Katie is a stereotypical representation of woman - she is submissive to Adam, she is really weak and tired. We are able to tell that she can not defended herself before Adam, her beaten up face is the example. Additionally throughout the whole clip Katie is looking down, she does not have a courage to look streight in his eyes, which is a typical representation of woman being scared of powerful man. However as soon as she manages to escape the basement she represents a countertype of women. Showing that she can outwit professionals and she found strength to run away. 
Men in this clip are portraied as really agressive and dominant to woman, which is a stereotypical representation. Both Adam and Ezra are shown as ones with power and authority throughout the whole action. Adam is the one to physically and mentaly torture Katie, and Ezra gives the instruction to Adam - he has no boundries, he would do anything to get the information he wants, which shows that man are fighting for what they want and they do not give up. Ezra is also appealing to be really brutal when he says to Adam ‚Do the nails and then the toes’, which suggest that he is able to do horrible stuff to women just to get what he wants. This is a negative representation of men. 

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