Costume, cast, set design, location, props
We decided that the girl character should wear black medium length skirt with white casual top and black ripped tights.
When it comes to costumes for bad guys we were thinking about white tank top, brown long coat on top of it, jeans and flat cap.
They second man would wear dark blue turtleneck, harrington and dark black jeans.
They second man would wear dark blue turtleneck, harrington and dark black jeans.
We wanted to cast our media teacher - Katie for a girl and two psychology teachers for bad guys - James and Steve.
Set design/ location
As our location we will use basement.
If it comes to set design we imagined it to be rather simple - the girl sitting on the chair in the middle of the room, tighten up with a rope. The bucket with water will be outside with towel - bad guys will bring them inside at the end of the sequence.
We need a chair, rope, family picture, bucket filled with water, towel and fake blood.
We need a chair, rope, family picture, bucket filled with water, towel and fake blood.