Thursday 3 December 2015

Pitching to Mike 
Before Mike came to hear our ideas, we wrote everything down - what type of thriller we were thinking about. The whole sequence plan in details. We also had a few ideas when it comes to shots and music.

After pitching it to Mike he gave us a little feedback. Generally he liked our idea - connecting things on daily basis with murder and heads that been cut off, additionaly the idea that the main character is watched by 'bad guys', which makes the sequence more mysterious - when two stories are crossed together. 
He said that we should cut our locations (shop, street and church) to one or two because it is getting to complicated and there is no time to shoot in three different locations within one day. If we want it to be realistic and in good quality we needed to choose one or two of the ones that we had. 
Secondly he suggested that the whole religious theme is pointless - if we think that the sequence can still work without him being a priest we should go for something else. 
The last issue was at the end of our idea - if the main character was a professional murderer he would never leave head in the fridge (which Mike found to be a really nice and 'funny' idea) or the place of the crime 'open' for everyone. It just does not make sense. 
When Mike finished giving us the feedback we went to the other classroom to think about all suggestions given by Mike and we started changing our idea... 

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