Thursday 10 December 2015

Presenting our ideas to Matt and Luke 
For the last weeks we were preparing to pitch our idea to Matt and Luke. They liked our main concept of interrogation a young girl and the idea of untold story behind all that events. They were thinking about our locations, they suggested to limit it to one location to make it more realistic. If we prefer doing it in the shop only they said to maybe do it somewhere else than a Peaslake shop (which was our initial idea), due to the fact that part of our audience is going to recognize this shop since they leave near by. They would concentrate more on this shop more than our opening sequence. 
The second suggestion that they have made was that if 'bad guys' were chasing the cop for quite some time, they would know how he looks like, where he lives and general information about him, so the question was why would they need a girl ?
We have week to think about theirs suggestions, change our backstory and to polish our idea before the next pitch. 

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