Thursday 3 December 2015

New idea! 

We have started creating new idea before pitching to Matt and Luke. Firstly we have turned the religious theme into detective/bad guys theme, together with this change we cut our locations only to shop and street (there was no point to use church). 
Our new idea was about a retired police officer, who was chacing a big group of criminals few years before (the audience get to know these facts together with the developing plot) and he put a few of them in jail. Now the rest of them are chasing him to revange. 
It begins with policeman buying products in the corner shop, while paying he is having conversation with the cashier, in this moment the audience will get to know that he is a policeman. 
Afterwards our main character is leaving the shop and walking along the street, on the opposite side of the street the audience can see parked car. Two 'bad guys' are sitting inside observing retired detective. One of them, on the drivers seat seems to talk on the phone - he is asking questions like Is he the right guy? Are you sure that that;s him?, but he does not get the answer so he is getting annoyed and suddenly when he is screaming for the answer he is turning around where the audience can see beaten girl, shaking and tthen she replies - 'Yes'. Subsequently we can see how bad guys are preparing their weapons. At that point the opening sequence ends.

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