Saturday, 25 February 2017

Evaluation Task 3 Conclusion 

Throughout the whole process of my A2 media production I have gathered various feedback from my targeted audiences. In general it I used the feedback to tailor my products to be more creative and interesting for my audiences to watch and enjoy it. 

I have learned from my audience feedback that I have created an intended star image, from an interview that I have prepared with my target audience I found out that the odd, unconventional and eerie star image was working through all the use of underwater worms on my cd digipak, the dead bird on the home page on the website and the hanging man in the music video. 

However I also got a feedback to change some aspects of my ideas. One from a teacher when presenting the initial ideas and the teacher says that I need to think more originally and outside of the box. Which helped me realise that the first of my ideas was not original and creative at all. 

Thanks to audience feedback my campaign was more likely to success. Just like Henry Jenkins claimed that both audiences are crucial to strengthen the media messages.  

Friday, 24 February 2017

Evaluation Question 3! 

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

YouTube Statistics 

I've got an access to YouTube statistics of our music video audiences. The statistics were showing various data, who was watching our music video, foe how long, which gender, where, from what devices etc...

This table shows the percentage of people using certain electronic devices to view our music video. 

This table is showing how many males and females have watched our video in age groups. 

This table below contains information about the location of the viewings. 

Here are general information. 

These statistics were really interesting to analyze, since some of the data is quite intriguing as for example where was our music video played and additionally the big difference between the male and female watchers. 


Focus group 

What is a focus group?

Focus group is a group of people whose reactions are studied especially in market research in guided or open discussions. In our case it is going to be set of questions to get a feedback on our music campaign, which we later can sum up and generalise to bigger audiences. It is going to be a source of qualitative data since the questions are going to ask about general feeling or an opinion and perception towards our whole music campaign. 

In the lesson together with my group we started creating a questionnaire for our focus group.  We wanted to ask few general questions but most of them no be more descriptive and more in depth.

  1. What is your gender?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Have you seen a concept of a hanging man in any other music video?
  4. Is the hanging man/underwater worms putting you off?
  5. Do you think that the mad theme is presented in a good way?
  6. Do you think that the hanging man is the artist or the DJ?

The questionnaire is not yet finished but these are the main questions that we have for now.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Evaluation question 2 Conclusion

I believe that we were successful and effective when it comes to the transcending a particular star image of our artists throughout our music campaign. We wanted to create a star image of our artist that would be on one hand mysterious, odd and eerie but on the other hand to be original, unconventional and outstanding. In our music video we used a lot of unconventional aspects and themes like mental hospital, the presence of the straight jacket and madness. The way in which we shot it with various fast and jump cuts makes it a bit overwhelming and at some point repulsing when it comes to the performance of the main character. It is not a music video convention, which makes the artist more original and surprising which was our aim. 
Also the pictures that we put on the album cover - close-ups of undersea water warms, which is not pleasurable to look at for some people but it indicates the confidence of the artist that he is sure when it comes to his music that it is not about the design and aesthetics but the actual work, which would indicate that our artist is organic. 
The website also contains some unconventional themes like death of an animal, which is not something that audiences would expected to see on an official website, but it communicates the original aspect of the music campaign and something that is outstanding in comparison to other artists.

Evaluation question 2 

Evaluation task 2 Introduction 

In this Evaluation Task 2 as a group we will analyse every part of our music campaign and see if we managed to send a certain information and transcend a particular start image of our artist to his audiences throughout the campaign that we created (music video, cd digipak and website). 

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something.  Conventions can be used, 

supported or challenged.  Looking back at all my campaign products I feel that I have mostly 

followed the media conventions when it come to rapid editing to the rhythm in my music video or 

setting a low lighting in my thriller to create a feeling of abundance and mystery. However I did also 

challenge the conventions by making the hanging man the main concept in my music video as it is a 

very rare aspect to follow. I have achieved this is to differentiate my product in a competitive music 

industry market and I  have attempted to challenge audience expectations, bring something new to the media forms. 

Conventions are ultimately relied upon for communicating the right message to the intended 

audience, but also deviate from these expectations helps sell the star image that I wanted to promote.

Audiences produce meaning from the interaction of the conventional material in a text, and their 

understanding of conventions, for example in my thriller we used a convention of a plot twist when 

the main female character disappears. Or in my music video there is a fast editing to fit the rhythm of 

the song  or various shots of lip sync so the audiences feel more like this music product is a live 
