Friday 3 February 2017

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something.  Conventions can be used, 

supported or challenged.  Looking back at all my campaign products I feel that I have mostly 

followed the media conventions when it come to rapid editing to the rhythm in my music video or 

setting a low lighting in my thriller to create a feeling of abundance and mystery. However I did also 

challenge the conventions by making the hanging man the main concept in my music video as it is a 

very rare aspect to follow. I have achieved this is to differentiate my product in a competitive music 

industry market and I  have attempted to challenge audience expectations, bring something new to the media forms. 

Conventions are ultimately relied upon for communicating the right message to the intended 

audience, but also deviate from these expectations helps sell the star image that I wanted to promote.

Audiences produce meaning from the interaction of the conventional material in a text, and their 

understanding of conventions, for example in my thriller we used a convention of a plot twist when 

the main female character disappears. Or in my music video there is a fast editing to fit the rhythm of 

the song  or various shots of lip sync so the audiences feel more like this music product is a live 


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