Friday 3 February 2017

Evaluation question 2 Conclusion

I believe that we were successful and effective when it comes to the transcending a particular star image of our artists throughout our music campaign. We wanted to create a star image of our artist that would be on one hand mysterious, odd and eerie but on the other hand to be original, unconventional and outstanding. In our music video we used a lot of unconventional aspects and themes like mental hospital, the presence of the straight jacket and madness. The way in which we shot it with various fast and jump cuts makes it a bit overwhelming and at some point repulsing when it comes to the performance of the main character. It is not a music video convention, which makes the artist more original and surprising which was our aim. 
Also the pictures that we put on the album cover - close-ups of undersea water warms, which is not pleasurable to look at for some people but it indicates the confidence of the artist that he is sure when it comes to his music that it is not about the design and aesthetics but the actual work, which would indicate that our artist is organic. 
The website also contains some unconventional themes like death of an animal, which is not something that audiences would expected to see on an official website, but it communicates the original aspect of the music campaign and something that is outstanding in comparison to other artists.

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