Tuesday 22 November 2016

Beginning to Edit! 


Yesterday, together with Teddy and Angelina we went to editting suite to have a look at our footage and start sorting out the shots and labels.  At first we watched through our shots and start naming them with the type of the shot and actor that was in it. This helped us later on, during the process when we need a particular shot for a cut we do not need look through all the shots we go straight to the names. 
Generally we all liked the shots that we got. There are no shots that were a failure however throughout the editting process we saw few fragment in various cuts that we did not like, however we decided to leave them throughout the whole process of editting because we might use some parts of them at some point.  
Most of the shots, however are amazing and really well played by the actors, which we happy about. They look realistic and creepy, what were aiming for. 

Secondly Teddy started matching up the shots with the audio on the Premier Pro timeline, so the lip sync matches the audio. Teddy did first few shots to show me how to do it and then we split this job between is two.  Teddy told me that we need to match the sound board on our footage with the one on the actual audio so the movement in our shots is simultaneous to the correct audio. When I matched the soundboard I needed to mark the matched point on the clip and drag it on the timeline with the actual audio. 

The music track was the first thing that we placed into the timeline. We dragged our footage from the library to the timeline, which helped us with quick cuts of the shots, it was easier to cut the footage to rhythm on the timeline where we also had access to the audio track and we saw when the words finish or when there is another beat coming. Therefore our video will be fact cut along the rhythmic song. 

In the picture above I captured our timeline. The blue strips are the shots that we have. The names of the shots are visible. The labels helped us in a quick selection of shots. 


Throughout the editting process we are aiming to create a clip that has a scary and creepy atmosphere. We want to create the feeling of craziness through this music video. To achieve that we are using a lot of close - ups on the main character - the hanging man to show his facial expression and dynamic singing. Additionally we use medium shots to introduce the audience to the padded cell setting. 

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