Thursday 24 November 2016

Editing the clips 

Razor Tool 

The most frequent tools that we use is razor, which enables us to cut the shot in whichever place we want. We are not using whole clips of our footage in our music video we only use part of different shots that we especially like. The razor tool let us cut the footage in different places so we can use one piece in one part of the video and the other piece elsewhere. 

Arrangement of the clips 

At the beginning stage, in which we are right now, we have decided to cut the performance shots first and stick with majority of close - ups, to show the appearance of our main character - the hanging man. The close - ups are intertwining with wide shots, which are establishing the location. 
The arrangement of the shots that we have right now is not consistent with our storyboard, which we created in the pre - production stage. 

Lip sync 

During shooting the main character was lip syncing to the song and later on in editting process the first thing that we did was to match his lip sync with the actual music track. It was an easy task since we used playback, which helped us to sync the right second from the footage to the audio on the timeline. The main convention of a music video is that there is an artist/s singing, therefore it is really important to correctly match the shots with the soundtrack so it seems like the hanging man is the artist of the song.

1 comment:

  1. GAbi

    Thanks for the blogged comment on the editing process - please amend the spelling error in the title - it should read Editing. You attempt to account for the start of the editing process of your music video. Try to add an introduction which explains that editing is the post production of the process where you attempt to join all the clips together. Also what technology are you using to cut and chop the footage & what decisions have you made in shot selection and sequences.
