Friday 18 November 2016

Shoot day! 

    Together with Teddy and Angelina we met up in the canteen with Laura Smith (who was doing the make - up for all of our actors) and Harvey to prepare him for the shoot. He had dark rings under his eyes and was pale, his hair was gelled so they are the same every time we hang him upside down. Subsequently we gave him his costume, which consisted of white stained with fake blood pants and straight jacket. Whenever he was prepared and ready to shoot we went to the studio. The set was already prepared. There were two padded walls and a padded floor. In the middle there was a rope hanging from where Harvey was attached and could freely hang. 

    It took Joe few minutes to prepare Harvey. The day before we measured that Harvey can be hang for approximately three minutes at once and then he needs to have few minutes of brake at the mattress. It was decided at the end that everything (lighting, set, camera) needs to be set before we hang Harvey so we have more time to shoot whenever he is up. 

    Personally I was really happy with the appearance of the set and shots. It was the best set when it comes to preparation. Everyone from our group knew what we wanted when it comes to the shots and Harvey's performance. I think it was due to the fact that it was the key concept in our video and therefore we worked on it the most. 

From the beginning the roles on the set were divided - I was a director of the shots and I was next to Harvey all the time to help to bring him carefully down and whenever he felt wrong or he needed something I made sure to give it to him or check his costume. Also I decided about Harvey's performance, I communicated what we want and how we visualise the whole shot. Whenever he was asking questions regarding his acting or what he should do I answered them. The questions were mainly about the lip sync and the facial expressions. Teddy was engaged in the director's part as well, we communicated a lot during the shot to make any last minute decisions about the shots or performances. When it comes to the scene with Mike and Fran - it did not work as we thought and planned. This scene was not so organized in comparison to padded cell one. I had issues with explaining them what to do exactly - where to look, when to laugh etc. Mike made few suggestions throughout the shoot. 

Teddy was mainly the cameraman - he shot some shots in the padded cell as well as in the interrogation room. He knew what to do and what we are aiming for in every shot. However at the end there was an issue with camera or it was a case of Teddy missing the button on the camera - we are not quite sure yet but it distorted our shoot. 

Angelina from the beginning was doing playback, she was taking care of the song playing in the right moment.  

To be continued... 

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