Thursday 15 September 2016

Chosen Song! 

We have decided to go with 'Numb' by ZHU. We figured that this fast paced song will work with a nightmare style music video with disturbing mise-en-scene and fast cuts. 

As one of our sets we were thinking about forest during the night. To possibly have a girl running through the woods completely lost and scared. From time to time she is stopping, looking around or to rest by the tree. 

Everytime she stops and looks around we would have a shot of what she sees, which we were thinking could be a boy or two with animal masks on just standing in the distance not moving and looking at her. They would also play a part of the band. Therefore some shots would be of them standing away from her and singing but also when following her. 
We came up with the idea of masks to add more mysterious atmosphere and to follow the theme of the forest. 

Later on as our last set we would have the girl lying on the hospital bed in a bright room without any decorations and the guys would stand next to the bed preparing her to some sort of surgery (they are writing notes, drawing lines on her etc.) And these would be our last shots. 

1 comment:

  1. You have identified your groups songs and some detail and justification for ideas. You do need to complete your research onto similar artists and their associated star image and products. The is demonstration of a range of similar artists researched. You have to complete research into expected primary audience and attempt to apply audience profiles – this will help you understand the need for a consumer/ market for the product of the image that is to be promoted. Which record company would you sign up to?
    It also means that you will be able to complete the prep for this week. You could also add more examples of real media links to Soundcloud, Facebook pages etc
