Wednesday 14 September 2016

Three initial ideas as a group! 

We all decided to abondone our individual ideas and think of three new one that we would like together. At first we were all listening to different songs and discussing what genre our songs should be. Since me and Teddy had quite similar ideas and music taste we started brainstorming about the features of our music video and then we were searching for products that already exist to use them as an inspiration. 

We aimed for song that have a really noticeable, strong beat and it's fast paced. With this in our head we started looking for a music videos for similar songs to get more ideas. I showed Teddy a video to song by Clams Casino - All I need, which is a really artistic and creative clip that inspired us. It's visual aspects like pink faded filter or fast, jumping cuts and disturbing atmosphere directed us more when it comes to general concept of our project. 

After watching this video Teddy showed me a clip that has similar features to Clams Casino video. The song was called Disparate youth by Santigold. We didn't like the song itself but the clip was disturbing and creative, so exactly what we are aiming for. 

These two examples have us a clear idea what we are going for at the moment. So we started looking for our three potential ideas when it comes to songs. 
Teddy showed us really good song by ZHU called Numb, which is not a popular song since it came out two months ago. The very beginning of this song, which is really instrumental makes you want to listen to the song till the end. The rhythm is very ear catching. While we were discussing the song we came up with the expression that it is a futuristic song. 

The second song that we decided to use as our potential idea is by MØ called Kamikaze. I know this song from the Nerve movie. It is also fast paced and quite a youthful track. 

When it comes to the last choice we end up staying with Teddy's individual idea, which is Lisztomania by Pheonix. It differs from the rest of our ideas when it comes to the genre but it is also fast and quite positive.  

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