Sunday 25 September 2016

Star image promoted across the the campaign 

The star image of ZHU is going to be promoted with the digipack and website that we will create. 
While researching ZHU I have noticed that he is an organic artist with a simple design when it comes to his album covers and logo - there are maximum two colours included and no other image or design. I started searching for another artists that have a similar design pattern/template as him so when we are creating the digipack and album cover we have some inspirations. 

I think Flume has a similar style to ZHU - their range of colours does not vary a lot, they have little writing on the album cover and the design is quite humble. 


A-trak is using more artistic patterns and images on his products and website but It is still simplistic using maximum three objects. I like the creative letters on one of his album covers, since they add more originality to the product. 
I wanted to include one more artist and his work as an example of what we are not aiming for. 

Art design of Diplo's work is overloaded with various colours, patterns and images at once. This kind of design is a bit to much and it is quite disturbing, which we are not aiming for. 

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