Thursday 22 September 2016

Pitching to Luke & his feedback

Today we pitched our idea to Luke, he gave us a honest feedback. He had few concerns when it come to the whole concept. At first he said that he hears 'Alice in Wonderland' theme every year and it never comes out to be what everyone planned and it is not longer an original and unique idea. He said that we need to add more action and depth to the concept, there is no bigger sense in this primary idea. He said that we need to make the characters do something, meet because of a purpose - some kind of a twist. We had a lot things in mind but they were blind concepts not detailed and boring. 
He also said that we need to have lipsync included in the video. 

Task for now is to think of more creative and detailed idea including action and lipsync. Together with Teddy we briefly discussed to drop the whole fairytail idea but still go with the eerie theme with disturbing editing, we are still keen on using the forest and making female the main character. 

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